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Gibson Primary School, Omagh
Open Evening - Thursday 12 December 2024 4.00pm - 6.00pm [Open Image]
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Gibson News - Autumn 2022

13th Oct 2022


Monday 31 October ~ Friday 4 November (inclusive) - school closed for Half Term Break

Parent Interviews – Year 4 – 7 Parent Interviews will be taking place week beginning Monday 14 November.  Year 1- 3 Parent Interviews will however take place in January.  These will return to face-to-face meetings in school.  Details regarding times and dates of our Year 4 – 7 interviews will be distributed in the coming days.

Annual Contribution – A letter has been sent home regarding the Annual Family Contribution.  This year we aim to replace 6 of our Interactive Whiteboards with new Smartboards. These are vital for effective teaching and are an important resource. The £20 contribution per family can be paid through the School Money App or sent it into the school office. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Open Night – Admission for Year 1 now takes place online and runs from Tuesday 10 January until Friday 27 January.  We will be holding two Open Evenings at the beginning of December to showcase what Gibson has to offer.  If you know of anyone interested in finding out more about Gibson, please direct them to our website and get them to contact school.

Poppy Appeal – As in previous years we will be supporting the Poppy Appeal.  The usual range of items will be on sale once we return from half-term.

Little Learners Event – This nursery rhyme theme event is taking place on Friday 21 October from 1.30 – 3.00pm and is open to all pre-school children from 2 – 4 years old.  Please email to book your place.

Flu Vaccination – Our school nursing team have confirmed that flu vaccinations will be administered in school on Thursday 8 December.  As usual, consent forms will be issued prior to this date.

School App & Email – We continue to send letters, newsletters and permission slips via the school app.  We will be sending out trial emails and messages on the app in the coming days to ensure everyone has access.  Please look out for these and respond as required.  Anyone who is still having issues please let the school office know.

Charity Fundraising – This year instead of a large fundraising event we will be holding termly non-uniform days at a cost of £2 per pupil.  The money raised from this event will be divided amongst our chosen charities which are being chosen by our School Council.  Details regarding the first event will be circulated shortly.

PTA Meeting & Hallowe’en Disco – this year we will be resuming our PTA fun activities.  This will begin with our Hallowe’en Disco on Tuesday 25 October.  Year 1 – 3 children’s disco runs from 6.00 – 7.15pm and Year 4 -7 from 7.30 – 9.00pm.  Further details to follow via the app / email.

School Photographs – This year all pupils will be taken individually on Tuesday 25 October and with their siblings on Wednesday 26 October.

School Contact – You can contact school by coming into the school office, phoning us on 028822244552 or by emailing your child’s class teacher.  Teachers email addresses will be sent home for your information via app and email in the coming days.

Book and Board Game Request – Members of our School Council met today and have asked for any Board Games or Books which are no longer used to be sent into school.  These can then be organised and shared around the classes. If you have any books or board games which are in good condition, please send them into school next week with your child.  Thank you!

Car Park & Pupil Entrance – It is essential that all drivers use our car park with care and consideration.  Cars are NOT ALLOWED to use the Bus Lane which is only for EA Buses and EA Taxis.  We have had cars travelling too quicky and using the bus lane recently and this needs to stop!

Pupils should use the Pupil Entrance at the side of the school.  If your child is upset, anxious or you need to speak to the class teacher, please use the main entrance and come to the school office