Gibson News - February 2025
Monday 3 February – Wednesday 5 February – Y1-3 Parent Interviews
Wednesday 12 February – Monday 17 February (inclusive) – Half Term Holiday
Friday 14 March – School closed
Monday 17 March – School closed for St Patrick’s Day Holiday
Monday 14 April – Friday 25 April (inclusive) – Easter Holidays
Post Primary Applications Year 7 Applications to Post Primary School must be completed online. The application procedure opened on Tuesday 28 January and closes on Thursday 20 February 2025 at 12noon. Please note all applications must upload the child’s Birth Certificate and associated documentation e.g., SEAG Result Sheet. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Mr Sterritt if you need any assistance. |
World Book Day This year World Book Day is on Thursday 6 March. We encourage pupils to dress up to help us celebrate this event – further details to follow. |
Year 1 – 3 Parent Teacher Interviews Our parental consultations are scheduled to take place on Monday 3 February – Wednesday 5 February inclusive. Face to face interviews will last approximately 15 minutes. This is an important opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. These take place each afternoon from 2.15pm – 4.30pm. Please ensure you have confirmed your appointment time with the class teacher. (Please note: Year 4-7 Parent Interviews took place in Oct/Nov). |
Nut Allergy It is essential no nut-based products are sent into school. We recently had our first anaphylaxis reaction which required ambulance assistance. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that we are a nut free school as this is the only way of ensuring our pupils’ safety. Thank you for your assistance. |
Busy Bee Club Bookings Busy Bees continues to run each afternoon from 3.00pm until 5.00pm at a cost of £8. There has been a significant increase in the number of parents not booking their place before midnight. Places must be booked via the online booking system to allow us to arrange suitable staffing levels. Please note we can only accept bookings via the office on the day if places are available. |
Board of Governors Our new Board of Governors took office this week and will run for the next four years. Our Chair is Rev Jonathan Cowan, Vice Chair is Mr Mervyn Beattie and Parent Representatives are Mrs Lyndsey Armstrong and Mr Malcolm Wilkinson. Should you wish to contact them or raise any issue please leave a letter in the office which can be forwarded to them. |
Dinner Bookings It is essential that any outstanding dinner money must be cleared by the last Friday of the month. We are required to complete end of month accounts for EA it is therefore vital that our payments balance our expenses. This is currently not the case, and we may have to review the availability of last-minute bookings if this continues. Please note all those entitled to free meals must still book via the online system. |
Safer Internet Day As a school we will be holding a number of different events on Tuesday 11 February to mark Safer Internet Day. We would encourage parents to discuss internet safety with their children on Tuesday afternoon to reinforce messages learned in class. |
Edinburgh School Trip The deadline for final payment is Tuesday 25 February. A parent meeting for all those attending will be held in the Assembly Hall on Tuesday 11 March at 3.15pm. Mr Elliott and Mr Sterritt will provide key information and important forms which need to be completed prior to departure. |
Y6 Parent SEAG Meeting A meeting for any parent who is considering entering their child for the SEAG Assessments is being held on Wednesday 26 February at 3.15pm. Mr Sterritt and the Year 6 Teachers will outline plans and provide examples of SEAG Tests to help parents’ make an informed decision. Teachers will be available after the meeting to answer any parents’ questions. |
Dinner Menu A new dinner menu will be circulated this week. This comes into effect on Tuesday 18 February when we return after Half Term and can be accessed on the school website. |
After School Activities A number of additional after school activities including Football Club on Monday and Messy Play on Wednesday have started. Plans to extend this provision are in place with other clubs starting in the coming weeks. Please note these clubs are on a first come first served basis. Further details will be circulated. |
Gibson Primary School, 64 Old Mountfield, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT79 7EG Phone: 028 8224 4552 | Email: