Gibson News - March 2025
KEY DATES Friday 14 March – School closed. Monday 17 March – School closed for St Patrick’s Day Holiday. Monday 14 April – Friday 25 April (inclusive) – Easter Holidays * PLEASE NOTE EARLY FINISH ON FRIDAY 11 APRIL – (lunch served as normal) · Year 1 – 3 at 12.30pm and Year 4 – 7 at1.00pm |
PTA Easter Raffle Our PTA are currently organising an Easter Basket Raffle. Baskets will all contain cuddly toys, crisps, chocolate, craft items etc and will be on display in Assembly shortly. Images of these will also be on our social media platforms. Tickets will go on sale in class on Monday 31 March and will cost £1. |
PTA ‘April Fools’ Disco Following a request from our school council the PTA have decided to run a ‘Fools Disco’ on Thursday 3 April. Lots of planning is going on behind the scenes to make this a fun event. While more details, including pricing etc. will be circulated shortly the timings for the discos are: · Year 1 – 3 Disco – 6.15pm – 7.15pm · Year 4 – 7 Disco – 7.30pm – 9.00pm |
Edinburgh School Trip Our annual residential school trip for Year 7 children takes place on Monday 7 April to Thursday 10 April to Edinburgh. A parents’ meeting was held in the School Assembly Hall on Tuesday 10 March. All permission slips and forms circulated must be returned to Mrs Irwin as soon as possible. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at school. |
Reminder - School Mobile Number and Busy Bees The school mobile number may be used for contacting Busy Bees Club. Any phone calls after 4.00pm should be made to this number 07359710943. We would advise storing this number for future reference as it will also be used for school trips and other outings. Busy Bees continues to run each afternoon from 3.00pm until 5.00pm at a cost of £8 per day. This can be booked via the online booking system used for school dinners. |
Year 2 Pirate Day Our Year 2 pupils are having Pirate Day on Wednesday 19 March. All Year 2 pupils are encouraged to dress up. This has always proved to be a fun-filled day of adventure!! |
Year 3 Futsal Competition On Tuesday 18 March our Year 3 pupils will be participating in a Futsal Tournament taking place in Omagh Leisure Centre. Letters have been sent home with further details. |
Year 4 Evacuee Day Our Year 4 pupils will be having an Evacuee Day on Wednesday 26 March. All pupils are encouraged to dress up for this event. More details will follow shortly. |
On-line Dinner & Busy Bee Bookings Please remember it is essential that all children taking school dinners or attending Busy Bee After School Club are booked in via our online booking system on a weekly basis. This includes those entitled to free school meals. If you are experiencing difficulty with the eduspot app please contact the school office. |
Year 7 to Omagh High School production of ‘Annie Jr’ Year 7 pupils attended the performance of ‘Annie Jr’ at the Strule Arts Centre on Wednesday 12 March and thoroughly enjoyed it. |
After School Activities A number of different after school activities have been trialled including Football Coaching, Lego Club and Messy Play. These have proved popular and so we are going to be offering a further set of activities in the summer term. More details to follow shortly. |
Year 1 Notification of Acceptance Formal notification of acceptance will be sent to our Year 1 pupils commencing in September 2025 on Wednesday 9 April. |
Year 7 Cycling Proficiency We are currently finalising plans for Year 7 pupils to particpate in the Cycling Proficiency programme which we plan to run in the summer term. Details will be sent home in the coming weeks. |
Cycle and Scooter Skills Amy Funnell from Sustrans will be running Cycle and Scooter Skills on Wednesday 19 March, Thursday 20 March and Friday 21 March for Mrs Baird’s, Mrs Maguire’s, Mr Kane’s and some of our Year 2s. These classes will be sending further information home in the coming days.
Gibson Primary School, 64 Old Mountfield, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT79 7EG Phone: 028 8224 4552 | Email: