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Gibson Primary School, Omagh
Open Evening - Thursday 12 December 2024 4.00pm - 6.00pm [Open Image]
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Gibson News - Winter 2021

23rd Nov 2021


Tuesday 21 December – school closes at           12.30pm for Y1-4 and

1.00pm for Y5-7

Wednesday 22 December – Tuesday 4 January (inclusive) – Christmas Holiday   

Children return to school on Wednesday 5 January 2022

All key dates are available on the school website ( – under Parents - School Closures)

Christmas Dinner will be served on Wednesday 15 December and costs £2.60 for those not entitled to free meals. This should be booked, like all dinners, through the School Money App by Monday 13 December.

Christmas Arrangements – Santa still plans on visiting school in the build up to Christmas.  It is hoped that he will be here on our Fun Day, Monday 20 December.  We would encourage all pupils to wear a Christmas Jumper or something festive as this will be a non-uniform day.  We would also request that each pupil brings a minimum donation of £2 to help cover costs.

Christmas Performances – Each class from Year 1-3 is hoping to perform a short Christmas nativity.  Due to Covid restrictions we will have to limit the number of adults in attendance to strictly one adult per child.  Tickets will be available in the coming weeks. Admittance is strictly by ticket only.

The performances are on the following dates:

  • Language Unit – Thursday 9 December at 10.00am
  • Year 1 – Tuesday 14 December at 10.00am
  • Year 2 – Tuesday 14 December at 2.00pm
  • Year 3 – Thursday 16 December at 2.00pm

Christmas Carol Service – Our Year 4-7 pupils will be holding our Annual Carol Service in St Columba’s on Friday 17 December.  As we are limited to numbers only Year 7 parents will be able to attend.  Tickets will be available in the coming weeks. Admittance is strictly by ticket only.  We will however be recording this to give all parents the opportunity to view it. 

Year 1 Admission – Admission for Year 1 now takes place online and runs from Monday 10 January until Friday 28 January.  Unfortunately, we are unable to hold our traditional Open Night, however we will be holding small events for any parent or pupil who wishes to come and see round our school.  We also have a range of videos on our website which give an insight into life at Gibson.  If you know of anyone interested in enrolling, please direct them to our website and get them to contact school.

Poppy Appeal – Many thanks for your support for our annual Poppy Appeal.  Previously we have raised approximately £500 each year, however this year we managed to raise £857 which was greatly appreciated.

COVID 19 –  Unfortunately Covid-19 remains present within our community.  Therefore, we would request that if your child has any symptoms (high temperature; a new continuous cough; a loss of taste or smell) they must stay at home and get tested. 

Flu Vaccination (Mop Up) –  An additional session has been confirmed for Monday 10 January for those pupils who were due to have the flu vaccine administered but were absent.  If your child was due to receive the vaccine and your circumstances have now changed, please contact the school by Friday 7 January. 

School App – We continue to send letters, newsletters and permission slips via the school app.  It is therefore essential that all parents download the ‘School’s NI’ app and register to receive up to date information.  Please note our messages are sent ‘privately’ which means only people who have been verified can access these.  If you need further assistance, please contact the school.

Stamps – As in previous years we are collecting used stamps.  These can be sent in with your child and all proceeds will go to support Leprosy Sufferers.

Parent Interviews – All teachers will be holding parent interviews in February.  It is highly likely these will be telephone interviews therefore we will be requesting which parent / number is to be contacted in due course.  Further information including times and dates will be issued in January.