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Gibson Primary School, Omagh
Open Evening - Thursday 12 December 2024 4.00pm - 6.00pm [Open Image]
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June 2019

6th Jun 2019

Key Dates

Friday 21 June                     - Y7 Leavers Assembly at 11.30am (approx.)

Tuesday 25 June                  - Reports distributed to parents

Wednesday 26 June             - PTA Fun Night at 7pm

Friday 28 June                   - School closes at 12.30pm (Y1 – 3) & 1.00pm (Y4 – 7) for summer  

Please note all key dates can be found on our website

End of Year Reports

Your child’s annual report will be distributed on Tuesday 25 June. These reports contain information regarding your child’s progress this year and indicate who will be teaching your child next year. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or Mr Sterritt.

PTA Fun Night

The PTA Fun night is to be held on Wednesday 26 June. As usual it promises to be a super night with lots of events, stalls, activities and fun for all of the family. Gates open at 7.00pm.

Any parent who is able to help should contact the school office.

End of Term Arrangements

As usual we will be running a staggered finish at the end of term to ease traffic congestion. Year 1 – 3 children will finish at 12.30pm while Year 4 – 7 children will finish at 1pm. If any older siblings etc. wish to be collected at 12.30pm please inform the class teacher.


As in previous years we’ve reduced our written homework for the month of June. Written Homework will finish for this year on Friday 14 June. Spellings and Reading will continue until Friday 21 June.

Late Class Applications

Applications for Y1-3 pupils requiring a place in Late Class must be returned to the school office by Friday 14 June. As indicated on the letter costs for Late Class will be capped at £6 per week. For those using it on a daily basis the cost will be £2 per day. As this is always oversubscribed late applications will not be considered until all on time applications have been placed.

After School Club (3.00 - 4.00pm)

We will be continuing to run our After School Club from 3.00-4.00pm for any pupil in school next year. The cost for this will remain £3 per day and must be booked at the beginning of each month. A booking form for September will be included with your child’s report and can be returned at the start of the next school year. Please note this club only runs when school is open until 3.00pm.

Breakfast Club

Due to demand Breakfast Club will continue to start at 8.00am each morning. This does not need to be pre-booked and costs £1.50 per day or £6 per week.

Sporting Tournaments

A number of our sporting teams will be competing in local tournaments over the coming weeks including:

Rugby tournament (Enniskillen) – Wednesday 12 June and Swimming Gala – Thursday 13 June

Good luck to all involved.

Car Parking

I am aware that this continues to present challenges. I remain in contact with the EA, however any construction works to improve the situation remains some way off. I intend having some form of consultation in September to gauge your thoughts and opinions. In the meantime, your consideration and patience is required. As always if there is an issue in the car park, please contact the school and I will endeavour to come out and help rectify the situation.

Free School Meals

Please note you must reapply for free school meal entitlement every year, regardless if your child received free meals this year. Application forms are now available from the school office. If you need any support with this, please contact Mr Sterritt.

Class Trips

A number of class trips are being arranged for June. If your child has any specific dietary or medical needs which may impact upon a trip please speak to your child’s class teacher in the coming days.